
The effect of periodic phase modulation of light on a chaotic external-cavity semiconductor laser working in a regime of low-frequency fluctuations (LFFs) is studied numerically. It is observed that the phase modulation changes the time period between consecutive dropouts in the emitted laser intensity. A new variable ΦL is defined as the phase of the laser's LFFs, which increases in time with 2π after each power dropout event. The phase ΦPM of the periodic phase modulator is unfolded on the real axis and increases linearly at a rate given by the modulating frequency. It is shown that the phase difference between the laser and the modulator ΔΦ(t)=mΦL(t)−nΦPM(t), where m and n are integers, remains constant in time, leading to phase-synchronized states, for specific values of the modulating frequency and amplitude.

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