
The Voigt profile---a convolution of a Gaussian and a Lorentzian---accurately describes the absorption lines of atomic and molecular gases at low probe powers. Fitting experimental absorption data to such a Voigt profile yields both the Lorentzian natural linewidth and the Gaussian Doppler broadening. However, as the probe power increases, saturation effects change the absorption line shape, such that it is no longer accurately described by a Voigt profile. Naively fitting a simple Voigt profile to the absorption line therefore introduces spurious power dependence into the extracted Doppler component. Using a simple atomic model, we calculate power-dependent corrections to the Voigt profile, which are parametrized by the Gaussian Doppler width, the Lorentzian natural linewidth, and the optical depth. We show numerically and experimentally that including the correction term substantially reduces the spurious power dependence in the fitted Gaussian width.

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