
As a physician who has practiced for 30 years, approached this book with some apprehension. The very title caused me misgivings, and was prepared not to like it. However, found Mr Arney to have an excellent grasp of the history of our profession. In addition, he recognizes the schizophrenia in which the practice of lives today, with our concern for natural childbirth on one hand and high-technology monitoring on the other. The author makes a special effort to avoid bias. He states, I try to avoid speaking either for or for women as outline my understanding of the history of obstetrics (p 13). Mr Arney adhered to this intention well. After introducing the history of obstetrics, Mr Arney notes some of the jockeying for power that occurred among midwives, general practitioners, and obstetric specialists. These battles resulted in obstetric specialists being fully in

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