
Introduction 1. Dimensions of Russia: Developments after the USSR Klaus von Beyme 2. Never Show Weakness: How Faking Autocracy Legitimates Putin's Hold on Power Stephen Holmes 3. Legitimizing the Russian Executive: Identity, Technocracy, and Performance Eugene Huskey 4. Legitimacy of Power and Security of Property Stefan Hedlund 5. Capitalism and Russian Democracy Boris Kapustin 6. Democracy in Russia: Problems of Legitimacy Boris Mezhuev 7. Power and Society in Russia: A Value Approach to Legitimacy Ruben Apressyan 8. Powerful Rationality or Rationality of Power? Reflections on Russian Scepticism towards Human Rights Elena Namli 9. The 'Cultural/Civilizational Turn' in Post-Soviet Identity Building Jutta Scherrer 10. Conservative Political Romanticism in Post-Soviet Russia Andrey Medushevsky 11. Bez stali i leni: Aesopian Language and Legitimacy Irina Sandomirskaia 12. Medvedev's New Media Gambit: The Language of Power in 140 Characters or Less Michael Gorham 13. Legitimacy and Symphony: On the Relation between State and Church in Post-Soviet Russia Per-Arne Bodin

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