
This study aims to analyze the Poverty Reduction Program from a public policy perspective. This type of research is a qualitative research with data collection techniques through interviews with informants. The informants in this study were the head of the Social Service, the Medan City Regional Development Planning Agency, the Regional Apparatus Organizations Related to the Medan City, the Regional People’s Representative Council and the Community. Determination of informants based on the purposive method to obtain research data. Furthermore, the research data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study found that The poverty alleviation program in the city of Medan has been implemented, but there is still a lack of organizational integrity for regional officials in the policy of determining the objects and targets of aid beneficiaries. For example, each OPD still uses the old method by making its own poverty reduction program with the same object and target, resulting in overlapping data and beneficiaries. Public policy implementation must be based on the need to solve the problem of poverty that occurs in society. Public policy is determined by the parties (stakeholders), especially the government, which is oriented towards meeting the needs and interests of the community. Poverty reduction policies in the City of Medan are contained in the Regional Regulation (Perda) of Medan City Number 5 of 2015 concerning Poverty Reduction. This regional regulation regulates the availability of programs and facilities from the government-funded by the Medan City Regional Budget for people who are classified as poor (poor) but have not fully guaranteed to break the poverty chain.

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