
Suyanto, S., N. Khususiyah, and B. Leimona. 2007. Poverty and environmental services: case study in Way Besai watershed, Lampung Province, Indonesia. Ecology and Society 12(2): 13. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-02070-120213


  • This study revealed that state forest land in Lampung Province, Indonesia, provides important income for poor farmers and leads to a more equitable distribution of income and land holdings

  • Farmers at Leuwi Monyet were more dependent on income from state forest land (41%) compared with those of Rigis Jaya (20%)

  • Local people and migrants occupy the Sumberjaya watershed. They live in areas that range from forest conversion zones through coffee agroforest to degraded land, which together provide fairly good but threatened environmental services

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This study revealed that state forest land in Lampung Province, Indonesia, provides important income for poor farmers and leads to a more equitable distribution of income and land holdings. This supports the argument that poor farmers who provide environmental services through their activities in state-owned forests should be rewarded with land rights as a policy to alleviate poverty. The results suggest that the income from coffee grown on state land is relatively distributed, making this income important for reducing poverty and increasing income equality.

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