
This study assessed the poultry management techniques and its implications on environment and agricultural productivity in Afijio Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to identify the socio-economic differentials of poultry waste users on the management pattern of poultry waste in the study area, examining poultry waste management and utilization techniques and their determinants in Afijio Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria, Analyzed the impact of poultry waste utilization on yield and revenue of the respondents in the study area. A random sampling technique was used in selection of respondents. A total number of 104 respondents were randomly selected for this study through the use of structured questionnaire. Description statistics, Gross Margin analysis and cobb-Douglas production function were used as analytical techniques. The socio-economic characteristics of the respondents revealed that an average poultry farmer in the enterprises were between 41-50 years which means most of the farmers were in their active age and majority of the poultry farmers were male (52.90%). Majority of the poultry farmers had formal education (96.2%) while few had non-formal education (3.8%) this implies that majority of the respondents were literate 62.50% claimed they remove waste between 2-3 days interval. The variable that have significant relationship with poultry waste impact of respondents include: waste removal day interval significant at 5% level but had a negative relationship with poultry waste impact which implies that as the period for waste removal extends, there was a negative impact on the environment and performance on the poultry birds thus resulting to low output, purpose of rearing birds, years of experience and ingredient that increase/ decrease waste smell are all significant at 1% level of significance respectively. The enterprise in the study area is not a bias one because ratio of male to female is 1:1. The following are recommended: farmers should be encourage to increase hygiene by doing frequent sanitation so as to reduce the chances of diseases infestation, the farmers should be advised to attend waste management and health programme to support year of experience.

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