
This study argues that Nicos Poulantzas presents nuanced understanding of the state and its mechanisms in capitalist societies. Unlike conventional Marxist perspectives that view the state merely as a tool of oppression for the ruling class, Poulantzas's approach recognizes the potential for popular participation in socialist transformation. His standpoint emphasizes the state as a site of class struggle and highlights its role in establishing, maintaining, and perpetuating the relations of production. It stresses the significance of developing new political subjectivities to challenge the existing structures of power and domination. Poulantzas acknowledges complexities inherent in the state within capitalist societies and rejects deterministic interpretations of its function. He focuses on the various forms of exploitation experienced by subordinate classes across economic, political, and ideological domains. His ideas offer valuable insights into influence of state on socio-economic structures, contributing to debates about the role and purpose of the state. Study offered significant information in reaching conclusion and extracting recommendations.

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