
In its digital agenda the German Federal Government pursues the ambitious objective to facilitate digital competence and perform research into digital learning and teaching processes. Considerable investments are to be concentrated into the future viability of education, academic research and digitalization. As far as academic teaching and further education are concerned, not only in the field of orthopedics and trauma surgery, three aspects can be identified: digital organization, digital competence and digital tools. New formats, such as the elective subject digital health of the Charité in Berlin, enable digital competences to be mediated in amultimodal and interdisciplinary way. With the help of anewly developed app the University of Essen provides teachers and students with mobile and flexible access to information on lectures in terms of content and organization. Especially because of transparency, high legal compliance and predictability, the digital logbook for the resident training program promises areal innovation for trainees in the further training reformation. Augmented and virtual reality play acrucial role in the imparting of practical skills and interconnect high-tech with classical craftsmanship. Digital training course formats have significantly gained in importance and are meanwhile well-established tools for efficient advanced medical training. If orthopedic and trauma surgeons take an active role in the process of digitalization of teaching, they can take part in decisions, adequately prepare the colleagues of tomorrow, optimize patient care, encourage innovations and altogether improve the discipline even more.

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