
The choline esters potentiated the choline-catalysed decarbamoylation of dimethylcarbamoyl-acetylcholinesterase in proportion to the length of acyl group, although esters containing an acyl chain longer than the hexanoyl group exhibited a corresponding decrease in the potentiation. In structural requirement analysis it was found that both the quaternary ammonium moiety and the ester bond were important for the effective acceleration of choline-catalysed decarbamoylation. In general, the respective thiocholine ester was found to be more effective than the corresponding choline ester. Whereas the binding affinity (Ka) of choline in the decarbamoylation was not significantly altered, the maximum decarbamoylation rate (kr(max.)) of choline was greatly enhanced in the presence of choline esters or thiocholine esters. Along with the above observation, the isotope solvent effect, the effect of ionic strength and the antagonism studies demonstrate that the choline esters or thiocholine esters may interact with one of peripheral anionic sites, and thereby make the choline-catalysed decarbamoylation more favourable.

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