
This paper presents the public engagement strategy for the Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) Gundih Pilot Project that is being prepared in Blora District, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Interviews and discussions with local key stakeholders indicated that public opinion about the project is influenced by the value the project is perceived to bring to the local population. They recognise the positive impacts of the project, such as the reduction of CO2 emissions through CCUS technology as a mitigation strategy for reducing global warming, CCUS capacity building, and economic benefits for the project site. Thus, positive framing that underlines benefits for the local population should be the basic principle for future communication concerning the pilot project. Ensuring that local stakeholders’ concerns are addressed through CCUS engagement activities is crucial. Stakeholders showed their interest in and support for the project and indicated that they would like to be involved in further stakeholder engagement, value support, and guidance to facilitate a dialogue between the pilot project team and the community, monitor CCUS activities in the area by accompanying the project team on site, and serving as CCUS educators for the local population. The local government expressed its support for the project and agreed to initiate communication with the public, since there is a high level of trust in the government at the local level. Successful public engagement highlights sustainable communication with all project stakeholders by means of local media, local leaders, and the promotion of the project through local events that may clear the path for obtaining public acceptance and eventually the social license to operate CCUS activities in Blora.

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