
Ozet: Organik atik ve artiklarin bertarafi icin uygulanan yontemlerden biri de kompostlamadir. Bu calismada, bazi tarimsal ve endustriyel organik atiklarin farkli kompozisyonlarla kompostlanarak tarimda kullanilma olanaklarinin arastirilmasi amaclanmistir. Bu amacla; elma suyu fabrika atiklari (A.W.), sigara fabrikasi atiklari (T.W), deri isleme fabrikasi atiklari (L.W.), bugday sapi (W.W.) ve misir sapi (C.W) gibi organik atiklar kompostlama materyali olarak kullanilmistir. Indore yonteminin kullanildigi kompostlama isleminde, adi gecen organik atiklarin farkli oranlarindan 7 farkli karisim hazirlanmistir. Laboratuvar kosullarinda yurutulen deneme, tesaduf parselleri deneme desenine gore 3 yinelemeli olarak yurutulmustur. Hazirlanan karisimlara su ilave edilerek oda sicakliginda (20-25°C) ayrismaya birakilmistir. 10-15 gun ara ile karistirilan materyallerin kompostlasmasi 6 ayda gerceklestirilmistir. Elde edilen 7 farkli kompostun verimlilik ozellikleri yapilan analizler ile belirlenmis ve verime etkisini belirlemek icin topraga belli oranlarda karistirilan kompostlarin oldugu saksilarda yulaf bitkisi ( Avena sativa L.) yetistirilmistir. 45 gun sure ile yetistirilen bitkiler hasat edildikten sonra kuru agirliklari ile N, P, K, Fe, Cu, Zn ve Cu icerikleri belirlenmistir. Sonuclari istatistiki olarak degerlendirmek icin varyans analizi ve Duncan testi uygulanmistir. Arastirma sonucunda elde edilen kompost karisimlarinin N derisiminin, 9.24-4.03 g kg -1 ; P derisiminin, 0.92-0.09 g kg -1 ; K derisiminin, 24.2-10.0 g kg -1 ; Fe derisiminin; 14.2-5.3 mg kg -1 , Cu derisiminin, 2.80-1.50 mg kg -1 ; Zn derisiminin, 12.3-6.20 mg kg -1 , Mn derisiminin, 27.2-19.7 mg kg -1 ; EC'nin 11.100-1.750 µmhos cm -1 ; pH'in, 6.85-8.32 ve C/N oraninin da, 28.2-8.9 arasinda oldugu belirlenmistir. 7 kompost varyantinin da kontrole gore verimde artisa neden oldugu, artisin kompost cesidine gore degistigi, artis oraninin ise %45-%6 arasinda degistigi belirlenmistir. Arastirma sonucuna gore, elde edilen tum kompost varyantlarinin bitki besin elementlerince zenginlestirilerek organik gubre olarak tarimda kullanilabilecegi sonucu elde edilmistir . Anahtar Kelimeler : Kompostlama, tarimsal atiklar, endustriyel organik atiklar, yulaf, verim Abstract: Composting is one of the applied methods to organic waste disposal methods. In this study, some agricultural and industrial organic wastes of agricultural sector are composted, as different compositions, to see whether they are usable as agricultural aids. To this end, apple juice factory waste (A.W), cigarette factory waste (T.W), leather processing factory waste (L.W.), organic wastes, namely wheat stalk (W.W) and corn stalk (C.W.) material, are used as composted material. Indore method of composting process was adopted; seven different compositions prepared from the aforementioned organic wastes were prepared. Laboratory experiments were carried out in conditions according to a pattern of coincidence plot experiment that was carried out by three replications. Prepared at room temperature, the mixtures (20-25 °C) were left to decompose for six months. Compost mixtures were mixed carefully every 10 to 15 days. Finally after 6 months compost mixtures were found to be fully composted. Obtained 7 different composts, yield analysis were determined and the effects of these mixtures on soil when applied in certain proportions in previously unused pots and on oat plant ( Avena sativa L.) which was cultivated were determined. Plants were allowed to grow for a period of 45 days and then they were harvested to determine their dry weight and N, P, K, Fe, Cu, Zn and Cu contents. Results of the statistical analysis in terms of variance analysis and Duncan test were obtained. According to the results; N, P, K, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn contents of seven different compost mixtures were found to be between 9.24 and 4.03 g kg -1 ; 0.92 and 0.09 g kg -1 ; 24.2 and 10.0 g kg -1 ; 14.2 and 5.3 mg kg -1 ; 2.80 and 1.50 mg kg -1 ; 12.3 and 6.20 mg kg -1 ; 27.2 and 19.7 mg kg -1 , respectively. Electrical conductivity of seven different compost mixtures was measured between 11,100 and 1,750 μmhos cm -1 ; pH was found to be between 6.85 and 8.32 and C/N was detected to be between 28.2 and 8.9. Compared to the control, all seven compost mixtures were found to increase plant yield and this increase was found to be between 45% and 6%. Based on the results, all compost mixtures, especially three compost mixtures (since they gave statistically significant difference), were found to increase soil fertility as well as plant yield being as useful in agriculture. Key words : Composting, Agricultural wastes, Industrial organic wastes, oat plant, yield

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