
AbstractNote, however, an important feature of the motion of a stratified fluid: it is fibered into surfaces of constant density (isopycnic or iso-density surfaces) and remains such in the process of evolution: every fluid particle belonging to such a surface at the initial moments remains on the same surface due to the Lagrangian invariance of density. (This is why stratified fluid is also often called fibered.) In turn, the motion along any iso-density surface ρ(t,x)=ρ 0=const is the motion of a homogeneous incompressible fluid, for which the Kelvin theorem holds. In particular, $$ K_{0} \doteq \oint\limits _{C_{0}} \mathbf{u} \delta\mathbf{l}= \boldsymbol {\Omega} d\boldsymbol {\sigma}_{0} $$ (2.1) is a Lagrangian invariant (dK 0/dt=0), where C 0 is an infinitesimal closed contour on the iso-density surface, while d σ 0 is an element of this surface bounded by the contour C 0.KeywordsIncompressible FluidPotential VorticityFluid ParticleFluid DomainStream LineThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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