
Abstract The paper discusses the potential agricultural value of 10 Bromus species in the section Ceratochloa. The species are bunch grasses poorly adapted to soils which are prone to waterlogging or are heavy‐textured, very acidic, or have moderate to high levels of aluminium. They are moderately deep‐rooted with good drought tolerance on better soils but require warm soil temperatures for reliable establishment. The seeds do not flow readily as they are generally large, light, and often have awns and fine hairs on the seed coat. The seed requires additional processing to be sown commercially. Forage is generally of high quality and palatability, and endophytic fungi are not a problem. Prairie grass (B. willdenowii Kunth) is a large‐tillered short‐lived, productive, winter‐active species demanding very high soil fertility. It requires a long rotation interval between grazings and has poor tolerance to close continuous grazing. This inflexibility limits its role on farms. Grazing brome (B. stamineus Desv.) is a fine‐tillered winter‐active, perennial, drought‐tolerant species with tolerance to close continuous grazing. This flexibility allows it to be used as a general‐purpose pasture. It is best adapted to milder winter climates but not to regions with less than 400 mm or more than 1000 mm annual rainfall. B. valdivianus Phil, is finer‐tillered and produces a denser sward with less winter growth, but otherwise is agronomically quite similar. Bromus burkartii Desv. is a fine‐tillered winter‐dormant perennial species with tolerance to close continuous grazing. It is potentially best adapted to colder winter climates such as in the mountain valleys of New Zealand and Tasmania. Annual forms of B. carinatus H. & A. with very high winter growth could be valuable in mediterranean zones of Australia. B. sitchensis may be valuable in cold winter regions. Three lesser known species B. leptoclados Nees., B. runssorensis K. Schum., and B. lithobius Trin. are also discussed briefly.

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