
The global outbreak of COVID-19 viral infection is associated with the absence of specific drug(s) for fighting this viral infection. About 10 million people are already infected, about 500 000 deaths all over the world to date. Great efforts have been made to find solutions for this viral infection, either vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, or small molecule drugs; this can stop the spread of infection to avoid the expected human, economic and social catastrophe associated with this infection. In the literature and during clinical trials in hospitals, several FDA approved drugs for different diseases have the potential to treat or reduce the severity of COVID-19. Repurposing of these drugs as potential agents to treat COVID-19 reduces the time and cost to find effective COVID-19 agents. This review article summarizes the present situation of transmission, pathogenesis and statistics of COVID-19 in the world. Moreover, it includes chemistry, mechanism of action at the molecular level of the possible drug molecules which are liable for redirection as potential COVID-19 therapeutic agents. This includes polymerase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, malaria drugs, lipid lowering statins, rheumatoid arthritis drugs and some miscellaneous agents. We offer research data and knowledge about the chemistry and biology of potential COVID-19 drugs for the research community in this field.

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