
The search for potential pulsars is a difficult job because of the complex nature of the signals and the vast amounts of data involved. In the last few years, a lot of researchers have tried to use machine learning to deal with complex data. This essay examines how machine learning could help to identify potential pulsars, exploring the various types of algorithms and the challenges and limitations associated with this approach. The essay mainly explored three themes: the training of 5 algorithms for the identification of pulsars, the improvement of 2 algorithms by adjusting parameters, and the simplification of the data to improve the processing speed and performance of the algorithms on prediction. All 5 algorithms reached great accuracy after adjustment and the simplification of the input data can help to boost the prediction time and accuracy for future research about pulsars. The essay highlights the need for further research in this area, as machine learning has demonstrated strong potential for pulsar prediction. By analyzing the results of several previous studies, this essay underscores the importance of machine learning as an approach for predicting potential pulsars and made improvements to the performance of current algorithms by adjusting parameters and simplifying the data.

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