
For human life, health, and biological growth, nutrition is crucial. A prominent example of a food that is nutrient rich at the moment is "Soybean”. In Asian nations, it is thought to be a significant source of proteins and may be used in place of dairy products and meat. When compared to other food legumes, soybeans offer several nutritional benefits in terms of their composition in macro- and micronutrients. As more information on negative effects of chemical treatments is being available to people, they are now is search of potential phytocompounds. The aim of the present review is to provide potential evidence of isoflavones in management of cardiovascular diseases like heart failure, myocardial infarction, hypertension and coronary artery disease. Nevertheless, soy isoflavones can have certain adverse consequences since they are endocrine disruptors. Thyroid function abnormalities have sparked concerns. In light of the aforementioned findings, an effort has been undertaken to examine the literature on the beneficial and harmful roles of isoflavones, soy-derived bioactive compounds.

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