
In responsible and sustainable fisheries, marine resources should be exploited at optimum level in which potency, production and utilization level is known. This research was conducted to analysed potency, production and utilization level of pelagic fish in Ambon Island waters. Data for the analysis was obtained from the secondary data of Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Maluku province in the form of catch and effort for period 2005–2015 and then analysed by using Schaefer model. Estimated Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) was 103,513 tons with Total Allowable Catch (TAC) was 82,811 tons. Production of pelagic fish fluctuated but tended to increase due to increasing of fishing vessels and fishing gears. Catch per unit effort of purse seine and pole and line contributed more for the pelagic fish production than five other fishing gears. The utilization of pelagic fish resources in Ambon tended to increase with annual average 61.7% from TAC or 49.40% of MSY during the period of 2005-2015. In the last three years (2013-2015) the level of utilization increased significantly and has reached 98.31% from TAC or 78.65% of MSY which leads to fully exploitation. These results indicated that fishing effort should be maintained and monitored strictly to prevent over exploitation of pelagic fish resource.

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