
Abstract— Photophysical properties of two chlorin type molecules (CHLI) and (CHLII) were investigated in different solvents. Quantum yields of fluorescence φF of S, → T, intersystem crossing φT, and of singlet oxygen (1Δg) formation φΔ, as well as the Stern‐Volmer constants for the quenching of the S, states by oxygen and the bimolecular rate constants of quenching of 1Δg by the chlorins were measured. The values of φT and φΛ can be given as 0.57 and 0.58 for CHLI and 0.69 and 0.58 for CHLII. The values of the fluorescence quantum yields, the strong absorption of the chlorins in the red (Λ > 630 nm) and the high values of the quantum yields for 1Δg formation recommend the chlorin derivatives as potential markers and photosensitizers for tumor therapy.

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