
The article presents data on the phenotypic and genotypic potential of complex interspecies hybrids, their backcrosses to depend the tubers. The foregoing is necessary to improve the efficiency of the use of the material under study in practical selection. Involvement of the selected material in crosses will not only enhance the tuber-forming capacity of varieties, but will also broaden their genetic basis, which will make it possible to allocate heterotic progeny. The aim and task of the study. The aim of the study was to determine the potential of complex interspecies potato hybrids, their backcrosses for the ability to form tubers, to determine the genealogy of samples with a high manifestation of the trait, as well as the possibility of a correlation among the isolated material of multilobeliness and other agronomical features and the correlation between them. Material and methods. The initial material used in the study was collection samples of complex interspecies hybrids with the participation of three, four, five and six species, their backcrosses. The technique is generally accepted for research with potatoes. Results and discussion. The results of the distribution of samples in classes with a certain number of tubers indicate the possibility of isolating hybrids that exceed the manifestation of the indicator in varietal standards. Part of this material in 2015 was 24.8%, the next – 9.8%, and in 2017 – 39.6%. The different influence of meteorological conditions on the tuber-forming ability of hybrids and varieties-standards has been determined. Individual samples also reacted differently to external conditions. Their number from 20 or more tubers in the nest in 2015 was 5, 2016 – 1, and in 2017 – 2 and only one hybrid – 81.386s65 on average over three years had an average of 22.3 tubers in the nest. The change in the value of the indicator over the years caused a relatively large value of the coefficient of variation, and in only three samples it was less than 10%. The possibility of isolating interspecific hybrids, their backcrosses with a large (much higher than the best sort-standard), the number of tubers and other valuable traits is proved. The productivity of the best of the hybrids, compared to the maximum manifestation of the characteristic in the varieties-standards, was 1.8 times higher, the number of commodity tubers – 1.9. Conclusions. The value of complex interspecies potato hybrids, their backcrosses for use in breeding practices in the development of multi-club varieties and with a high manifestation of other agronomical features has been established. On the phenotypic manifestation of the ability of the samples to tie a large number of tubers in a nest on average over three years, the best exceeded the standard varieties by a 2 times. Combinations, individual hybrids with a certain frequency of repetition of multitubers samples are singled out, which indicates their high genetic control of the trait. The possibility of combining a significant number of tubers in a nest with other agronomic indices is proved in the hybrids.


  • їх беккросів за кількістю всіх бульб у гнізді

  • The initial material used in the study was collection samples

  • The technique is generally accepted for research with potatoes

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Середнє σ

Незважаючи на високе значення показника в сорту Тетерів у 2016 році, лише у 10 зразків серед наведених у таблиці рівень ознаки був нижчим, ніж у нього. У п‘яти гібридів середня кількість бульб у гнізді виявилася меншою, ніж у сорту Тетерів. Різниця лімітів прояву показника у виділеного матеріалу становила 38 г, хоча у сортів-стандартів вона також була значною – 42 г. У семи гібридів, або в 44 % від загальної кількості виділених, середня маса однієї товарної бульби була вищою, ніж у сорту Тетерів, хоча в жодного гібриду не виявлено переваги над сортомстандартом Явір. Виявлено значний вплив умов року на розподіл міжвидових гібридів, їх беккросів та сортів-стандартів за кількістю бульб у гнізді, причому зміна рівня показника у вихідного селекційного матеріалу та сортах виявилася різною. У 2015 році п‘ять міжвидових гібридів, їх беккросів зав‘язали в перерахунку на гніздо 20 бульб і більше, в 2016 році таким був рівень лише в одного беккроса, а в наступному – у двох.

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