
Australia is one of those countries that are considered rich and abundant in fossil fuel energy resources. It is important for Australia to regulate the use of conventional energy and attempt replacing these conventional energies with renewable energy (RE) resources. Renewable energy resources in Australia are widely categorised as solar energy, biomass, wave energy and wind energy. By increasing the utilisation of renewable energy resources the national contribution to world wide green house gases (GHG) emissions would be reduced, at the moment approximately 50% of Australia's GHG emissions are contributed from electricity generation [Dicks, AL, Diniz da Costa, JC, Simpson A, McLellan B. Fuel cells, hydrogen and energy supply in Australia. Journal of Power Sources 2004;1:1–12] with a large proportion of the remaining emissions coming from transport and vehicular sectors. As Australia's population, as well as that of the world, continues to grow and live increasingly energy dependant lives, the future of energy supply will grow. This paper investigates the potential of renewable resources in Australia at present and the magnitude of their present and future contributions to the national energy consumption. Conclusions will be drawn from the results of this investigative scan and recommendations will be proposed.

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