
As one of the ethnic groups that enrich the diversity of customs and culture in Indonesia, the Chinese people have a cultural characteristic that their ancestors brought more than 400 years ago to Indonesia. This certainly gives a great influence on various aspects, one of which is the building architecture. This study aims to examine the architecture of traditional Chinese buildings in the China Benteng area, Tangerang. This research aims to examine the architecture of traditional Chinese buildings in the China Benteng area, Tangerang. The research method used is a qualitative rationalistic approach with qualitative data analysis. In the Chinese tradition, a procedure for building houses cannot be separated from Fengshui, as in the temple building in the China Benteng area. Fengshui is very important in determining the building direction that is profitable so that it will get blessings and avoid disaster. Meanwhile, wood materials usage in traditional Chinese buildings such as the Boen Tek Bio temple is solid wood. If a renovation or replacement of wood material is needed, of course now it is difficult to find solid wood of good quality, such as when building the Boen Tek Bio temple. For building preservation needs, processed wood or engineering wood is commonly used as one of the building materials and can be considered if needed to replace damaged wood material in traditional Chinese buildings.

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