
AbstractSeveral problems currently limit the reliability of algal cultivation systems for the production of aquaculture feeds. Many of these problems may be eventually solved through research in culture system design and operation. However, research into the isolation and development of new strains of microalgae may also directly lead to improved system performance.Through a collection and screening program aimed at isolating microalgae tolerant to high light, high salinity, and high temperatures, we have been able to isolate several new strains with enhanced production potential (30‐35 g/m2/d). The overall range of environmental tolerance exhibited by these strains may result in enhanced culture stability, leading to the high production rates.The estimated costs of producing strains with these high production rates range from $1.18 to S1.71 per kg (unharvested), depending on the size of the production system. Total production costs for harvested algae (15% solids algal cell paste) range from $1.63 to $2.45 per kg. The major costs for producing harvested algae include the cost of CO2, as well as capital and operating costs for the harvesting systems.

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