
The purpose of using the new media in the context of dakwah is an essential feature since it is the trigger for dakwah activities and the execution of dakwah is done to its target. As information and communication technology advances, zakat institutions, must capitalise on it for the benefit of Islam. In the face of the Covid-19 outbreak, zakat institutions such as the Federal Territory Zakat Collection Center (PPZ-MAIWP) are heavily using new media to teach zakat to all Malaysians. There are five potentials of using the new media towards inviting the community to pay zakat namely; further expand dakwah delivery activities, facilitate the delivery of zakat dakwah, diversify the methods of dakwah of zakat, dakwah of zakat while studying and entertaining, and defence against zakat cyber warfare. Thus, digital media has enormous potential in terms of facilitating the implementation of zakat dakwah activities in a more structured, appealing, and beautiful manner.

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