
The e-Wallet may be regarded as an online/electronic account cum software application used for financial or commerce based transactions made online from a computer or a smartphone. The purpose and usability is same as that of plastic cards. e-Wallets can be linked to a registered financial source or with the individual's bank account, or plastic cards. Cash can also be deposited at a e-Wallet Service point in order to facilitate a transaction. e-Wallet comprises of two major components, i.e., software and information. For setting up an e-Wallet account, the merchant needs to use a browser or install the applications on a device, and feed relevant information into the application. Registering on the online platform is mandatory. Everywhere, there has been a surge in the use of e-Wallet applications, making it highly significant in India too, as pointed out by World Payments Report 2018. There are many challenges for many merchants to accept and adopt these kinds of technologies. Thus, it becomes necessary to conduct a study and understand various requirements. The perception towards such a platform like e-Wallet or allied payment platforms used by various merchants/business establishments operating in Dibrugarh is very significant.

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