
Increasing direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treatment uptake is key to eliminating HCV infection as a public health threat in Canada. People living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C (HCV) co-infection face barriers to HCV treatment initiation. We sought to identify interventions that could support HCV treatment initiation based on patient and HCV care provider perspectives. Eleven people living with HIV with a history of HCV infection and 12 HCV care providers were recruited for this qualitative descriptive study. Participants created ranked-ordered lists of potential interventions during nominal groups (n = 4) and individual interviews (n = 6). Following the nominal group technique, transcripts and intervention lists underwent thematic analysis and ranking scores were merged to create consolidated and prioritized lists from patient and provider perspectives. Patient participants identified a total of eight interventions. The highest-ranked interventions were multidisciplinary clinics, HCV awareness campaigns and patient education, nurse- or pharmacist-led care, peer involvement, and more and better-prepared health professionals. Provider participants identified 11 interventions. The highest-ranked were mobile outreach, DAA initiation at pharmacies, a simplified process of DAA prescription, integration of primary and specialist care, and patient-centred approaches. Participants proposed alternatives to hospital-based specialist HCV care, which require increasing capacity for nurses, pharmacists, primary care providers, and peers to have more direct roles in HCV treatment provision. They also identified the need for structural changes and educational initiatives. In addition to optimizing HCV care, these interventions might result in broader benefits for the health of HIV-HCV co-infected people.

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