
This study was an attempt to find out the correlation among Temperature Humidity Index, milk yield, milk fat and SNF percentage at first lactation of Holstein Friesian (HF) crossbred (50% HF and 50% local) dairy cows in comparatively cooler months in the coastal areas in Bangladesh. Sixty HF crossbred cows at the early lactation stage were selected randomly from ten farms. Milk samples were collected from cows at seven days intervals and stored at 4 °C until further analysis. Data on temperature and relative humidity were collected from metrological records from late September to December 2019. The results revealed that milk yield, fat, and SNF percentage significantly differed from the THI recorded in different months. It was also observed that there was a significant (p<0.05) negative correlation between THI with milk yield, milk fat, and SNF percentage. In conclusion, the result revealed that THI greatly affects HF crossbred dairy cows' milk yield and composition in comparatively cooler months.

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