
This paper reports the findings from a study made of the potential financial returns from nine alternative silvicultural prescriptions applied to four case-study stands of second growth in coastal British Columbia. The objectives were to compare prescriptions based on partial cutting with conventional clear-cutting and to explore the effects of harvesting costs and harvesting systems on potential returns. Inventory data were obtained for four case-study second-growth stands representing a wide range of both stocking and species composition. Prescriptions based on shelterwood, uneven-age management, and intermediate commercial thinnings followed by clear-cutting were specified. The PROGNOSIS growth and yield simulation program was used to model stand responses. Logging costs and timber gross and net values were estimated using a timber harvesting simulation model. Discounted cash flow analysis was used to compare the prescriptions. The findings showed that prescriptions based on partial cutting were more profitable than conventional clear-cutting in only a few cases, but competitive in most. Integrated design of individual treatments and whole prescriptions involving both silvicultural objectives and the economics of timber harvesting was recommended. Resume : Cet article presente les resultats d'une etude du rendement financier potentiel de neuf prescriptions sylvicoles alternatives appliquees a quatre peuplements cotiers de seconde venue en Colombie-Britannique. L'objectif consistait a comparer des prescriptions de coupes partielles a la coupe a blanc conventionnelle et a examiner les effets des couts de recolte et des systemes d'exploitation sur le rendement potentiel. Des donnees d'inventaire ont ete obtenues pour quatre peuplements de seconde venue representant une large gamme de densites et de compositions en especes. Des prescriptions basees sur la coupe progressive, l'amenagement inequienne ou encore l'eclaircie commerciale suivie de la coupe a blanc ont ete elaborees.

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