
The aviation industry worldwide is committed to reduce CO2 emissions. The present goal is towards Carbon Neutral Growth (CNG) by 2020 and 50% reduction in net CO2 emissions over 2005 levels by 2050. There are not easy alternatives to liquid fuels for airplanes; therefore, biofuels are necessarily part of the solution. However, the specifications for jet biofuel rule out ethanol and biodiesel, the most common biofuels in the market. There are several routes for the production of aviation biofuel allowing the use of a wide range of biomasses. The conversion and refining technology pathways will be determinant for the choice of feedstock. At present, most jet biofuel tested in airplanes are derived from oils, but not taking into account conversion technologies, the best options to start an aviation biofuel industry in Brazil are sugarcane, eucalyptus, and soybean, of the sugar, cellulose, and oil crop groups. The main reasons are the established production chains, high yields, competitive prices, and possibility of greenhouse gases abatement. Other crops may be feasible options depending on specific regional conditions, further agronomic improvements, and cost reduction. Taking as reference the energy content of ethanol, around 30Mha of land would be necessary to supply sugarcane to meet 50% of the present global consumption of jet fuel. This is less than the 64Mha of land suitable for sugarcane in Brazil, mostly replacing pasture and without using environmentally sensitive areas. This area may be less as biomass yields increase and the energy of other plant parts is more efficiently used. The opportunity costs of final products derived from the biomass feedstock may place the price of the energy of jet biofuel above that of the fossil jet fuel. Appropriate public policies and tax treatment may be necessary to stimulate an emerging aviation biofuel industry.

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