
Background: mussaenda roxburghii hook. Belongs to family rubiaceae, is a perennial shrub moist area of valley and grows in the foothills. Objective: the present investigation was carried out to phytochemicals and pharmacological activity such anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective properties of methanolic crude extract & its fractions such as dcm extract (fraction 1), ethyl acetate extract (fraction2). Materials and methods: residual methanolic extract (fraction 3) of mussaenda roxburghii leaves which were obtained by solvent-solvent extraction process from crude methanolic extract of mussaenda roxburghii. Anti-inflammatory activity was measured by observing the mean inhibition of protein denaturation. Cardioprotective activity was evaluated by thrombolytic assay. Phytochemical screenings have done by using usual procedures. Results: an ex-vivo anti-inflammatory test demonstrated that; mean inhibition of protein denaturation 0f 1000/kg of crude methanolic extract of leave of m. Roxburghii was 17.399%. Cardioprotective properties of different extracts of m. Roxburghii was demonstrated which revealed that after treatment of clot with mother methanolic extract, dcm extract (fraction 1), ethyl acetate extract (fraction 2), residual methanolic extract (fraction3) of leaves and methanolic extract of root % clot lysis was 30.56%,27.61%,46.35%,26.02%,49.90 % respectively. Different tests with crude extracts showed that different types of alkaloids, carbohydrates, tannins were present in the leaves of m. Roxburghii. Conclusion: in these investigations demonstrates that different extracts of m. Roxburghii has significant pharmacological activities.

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