
Restricted-spin coupled-cluster single and double plus perturbative triple excitations [RCCSD (T)] and/or complete-active-space self-consistent-field multireference internally-contracted configuration interaction (CASSCF/MRCI) potential energy functions of the X̃ 2B1, à 2B2, B̃ 2A1, and C̃ 2A2 states of Cl2O+ and the X̃ 1A1 state of Cl2O, with basis sets of up to the augmented-correlation-consistent-polarized-valence-quadruple-zeta quality, have been reported. For each of these states, vibrational wave functions of the symmetric stretching and bending modes have been computed, employing the potential energy function obtained at the highest level of calculation, with Watson’s Hamiltonian and anharmonic vibrational wave functions expressed as linear combinations of harmonic basis functions. The helium I photoelectron spectrum of Cl2O has been simulated with Franck–Condon factors calculated using computed anharmonic vibrational wave functions and allowing for Duschinsky rotation. The adiabatic ionization energies (AIEs) to the four lowest cationic states of Cl2O+ have been evaluated at the RCCSD(T) level with basis sets of up to polarized-valence-quintuple-zeta quality and by various extrapolation techniques to the basis set limit. Revised equilibrium geometrical parameters of the X̃ 2B1 and C̃ 2A2 states of Cl2O+ were obtained from the iterative Franck–Condon analysis procedure, and revised AIEs for the à 2B2 and B̃ 2A1 states of Cl2O+ were estimated based on comparison between the simulated and observed photoelectron spectra. It was found that inclusion of anharmonicity in the Franck–Condon factor calculations for each electronic state improves the quality of the simulated spectrum. The computed T1 diagnostics from the RCCSD calculations suggest that the B̃ 2A1 state of Cl2O+, with the ⋯(9a1)1(3b2)2(10a1)0 electronic configuration, possesses multiconfigurational character in the region of r(ClO)=1.87 Å and θ(ClOCl)=125°. CASSCF/MRCI/aug-cc-pVQZ(no g) calculations show an avoided crossing between the B̃ 2A1 state and (2)2A1 state [with the ⋯(9a1)2(3b1)0(10a1)1 electronic configuration], in the region of 1.96>r>1.80 Å and 137.0>θ>132.0°.

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