
Wireless sensor networks have made a significant contribution to wireless sensor communication system based on resource constraints and limited computational sensors. Over the last decade, several focused research efforts have been made to investigate and provide solutions to problems relating to the energy efficiency data fusion aggregation in Wireless sensor networks. However, the problem of designing routes that are energy efficient has not been resolved. It is rather a tough effort to guarantee that the lifespan of a sensor is prolonged for a longer period because of the restricted computational capabilities of sensors, which are often coupled with energy constraints. The findings of this work present an enhanced energy-efficient technique for communication in sensor networks which consists of three distinct innovative frameworks. The suggested framework known as Data Fusion with Potential Energy Efficiency (DFWPEE) is responsible for the optimization of energy. The proposed work reduces energy consumption by using probabilistic methods and clustering. During the data fusion process, the Multiple Zone Data Fusion (MZDF) architecture uses a globular topology that helps with load balancing. The strategy presents an innovative routing approach that is used to aid in the performance of energy efficient routing in large-scale wireless sensor networks. By introducing the idea of routing agents, the framework for the Tree-Based Fusion Technique (TBFT), as suggested, comes up with an innovative method for dynamic reconfiguration. The plan enables the system to determine which sensor has a higher rate of energy dissipation and then immediately transfers the job of data fusion to a node that is more energy efficient. This threshold-based technique enables a sensor to perform both the role of a cluster head and the function of a member node. The node behaves as a cluster head until it achieves its threshold remnant energy and functions as a member node after it passes the threshold residual energy. Both of these roles may be played simultaneously. The mathematical modeling was done using the conventional radio energy model which improved the dependability of attained results. The proposed system delivers enhanced energy efficient communication performance when measured against existing implemented standards for energy efficient schemes. The enhanced technique uses nearly half as much energy as LEACH while focusing on reducing the overall time taken for the process to complete leading to enhanced performance.

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