
Plastic toys mouthed by children may be a source of exposure to endocrine active substances. The purpose of this study was to measure hormonal activity of substances leaching from toys and to identify potential endocrine disruptors causing that activity. For this purpose, migration experiments of toys were conducted in saliva simulants. The CALUX® assays were used to detect (anti-) estrogenic and (anti-) androgenic activity of 18 toys. Chemical trace analysis-namely, GC-MS and HPLC-MS- was used to identify which compounds may be responsible for endocrine activity in the sample migrates. Nine out of 18 tested toys showed significant estrogenic activity. For two samples, the detected estrogenic activity could be well explained by detecting the known endocrine active substance bisphenol A (BPA). For all identified substances, including BPA, a risk assessment for human health was performed by comparing the exposure dose, calculated based on the determined substance concentration, to toxicological reference values. Using worst-case scenarios, the exposure to BPA by mouthing of the two estrogen active, BPA-containing toys could be above the temporary TDI that EFSA has calculated. This demonstrates that some toys could significantly contribute to the total exposure to BPA of babies and infants. For seven out of nine estrogen active samples, the source of the estrogen activity could not be explained by analysis for 41 known or suspected endocrine active substances in plastic, indicating that the estrogen activities were caused by currently unknown endocrine active substances, or by endocrine active substances that would currently not be suspected in toys.


  • IntroductionIn particular, those below the age of 36 months, are considered vulnerable to chemical substance exposure, due to physiological differences (e.g. less metabolism capacities compared to adults) and different exposure patterns, such as hand-to-mouth behavior [1]

  • Children, in particular, those below the age of 36 months, are considered vulnerable to chemical substance exposure, due to physiological differences and different exposure patterns, such as hand-to-mouth behavior [1]

  • A literature review focusing on extensive reports and surveys of professionals from the toy sector was performed to identify the materials and compounds likely to be most commonly used in toys in France and Europe [5]

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In particular, those below the age of 36 months, are considered vulnerable to chemical substance exposure, due to physiological differences (e.g. less metabolism capacities compared to adults) and different exposure patterns, such as hand-to-mouth behavior [1]. Developing periods constitute windows of susceptibility to some. Forschungsforderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG), in the context of the project “XENOFREE” (Project 845811). The FFG was not involved in study design, collection, analysis or interpretation of data. This funding source does not alter the authors’ adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials. ANSES, the second funding source, is part of the author team and was strongly involved in study design and interpretation of data

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