
Egypt's textile sector possesses a number of variant elements that characterize that sector as national priority; however, this sector decades ago has started stumbling severely due to a cluster of reasons. One of these reasons is the inattention to textile marketing, which led by the time to the withdrawal of Egypt’s textiles from its significant contribution to Egypt’s economy as well as from effective existence in the stage international markets. This paper research aims at demonstrating how Strategic Brand Management (SBM) as one of marketing approaches has the potential effectiveness on textile marketing’s weaknesses and threats. Strategic Brand Management is one marketing approaches that combines the methods and of the strategic marketing management and brand management together. Conditionally when adopted as a firm’s full-activated function and/or orientation, this approach specifically is able to provide the full range of means that not only textile marketing but the whole textile industry is in eager need to regain back old times’ prominence, performance, and status. The methodology approach used for fulfilling the paper objective is a theoretical analysis by briefly reviewing the situation of textile industry, then reviewing weakness and threats of textile marketing situation and harness them with the means and beneficial effects of the Strategic Brand Management approach. Finally, SBM is for creating “conditioned strategic asset” out of the “brand(s)” it builds and sustains; however, and for complementing the big picture, the word “conditioned” means that SBM cannot work solely in vacuum. As SBM comes at the third tier (as powerful and efficient market access mean) after effective capacity utilization (mainly by the firm and other supply chain members), and conducive business environment by balancing and supporting (mainly by government’s spending, policy and tariffs), in respective order.

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