
Plant viruses spread around the globe and have been considered one of the most critical plant pathogens, leading to severe economic losses in crop productivity and yield quality. Unlike pests, fungi, and bacteria, no direct control methods can use against viruses. Managing to plant viral diseases depends primarily on the genetic resistance of host plants and their environment, as well as on the performance of synthetic pesticides to control vectors, an essential strategy for managing viral diseases. Effective plant viral disease pesticides are available, but because residual poisoning persists, they are not considered useful in a long-term solution because of environmental hazards and public health problems. So, new ways were appealed to complement existing strategies to manage the viral disease for better and more sustainable viral disease control. The use of bioinoculants is one of the ways to protect crops that can reduce viral infection to enhance plant growth, resulting in a significant economic return for growers. In recent years, PGPR-systemic resistance to plant viruses has trended toward viral disease management, although many PGPR-ISR studies have centered on several pathogens of fungi and bacteria. This chapter will address the spectrum of PGPR-mediated ISR against some plant viruses including banana bunchy top virus, bean common mosaic virus strain blackeye cowpea mosaic, bean yellow mosaic virus, bitter gourd yellow mosaic virus, cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, papaya ringspot virus, pepper mild mottle virus, potato virus X, potato virus Y, sunflower necrosis virus, tobacco mosaic virus, tobacco necrosis virus, tomato chlorotic spot virus, tomato mosaic tobamovirus, tomato mottle virus, tomato spotted wilt virus, tomato yellow leaf curl virus, urdbean leaf crinkle virus, and watermelon mosaic virus.

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