
Australia’s terrestrial mammalian fauna have experienced severe declines since European settlement. On the Murray–Darling floodplain in south-eastern Australia, common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula, ‘possums’), have contracted to riparian zones. Although an important possum refuge, little is known about possum population dynamics here. We examined possum population dynamics and potential drivers across two decades on the Murray River floodplain at Calperum Station. We related possum density to satellite derived fractional cover, (a measure of the proportion of green, non-green and bare ground cover), and contextualised these findings using tree condition and grazing pressure datasets. Possum surveys were conducted between 1998 and 2019 in riparian and non-riparian habitats and density was modelled in relation to fractional cover values of green, non-green, and bare ground. Possum density fluctuated between 1998 and 2008 but in 2018 and 2019, possums were undetectable. Possum density was negatively associated with bare ground and positively associated with non-green. Overgrazing by kangaroos likely reduced vegetation cover and diversity and contributed to possum decline, via a reduction in possum food resources and increased exposure to predation. Inconsistent monitoring meant that the population decline was not detected until after it had occurred, and management interventions were not triggered, highlighting the dilemma of allocating scarce monitoring resources.

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