
In this work we present a new search strategy for the discovery of staus at the LHC in the context of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. The search profits from the large s-channel b-quark annihilation production of the heavy CP-even and CP-odd Higgs bosons (H/A) which can be attained in regions of tan β ≫ 1 that avoid the stringent H/A → τ+τ− searches via decays into stau pairs. We also focus on regions where the staus branching ratios are dominated by the decays into a tau lepton and the lightest neutralino. Thus the experimental signature consists of final states made up of a tau-lepton pair plus large missing transverse energy. We take advantage of the large stau-pair production cross sections via heavy Higgs boson decays, which are between one or two orders of magnitude larger than the usual electroweak production cross sections for staus. A set of basic cuts allow us to obtain significances of the signal over the SM backgrounds at the discovery level (5 standard deviations) in the next LHC run with a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV and a total integrated luminosity of only 100 fb−1.


  • The MSSM with large stau mixingThese couplings grow in the same fashion with tan β as the couplings to down-type fermions and, at the same time, increase with Ad

  • JHEP09(2018)056 gaugino-mediated scenarios [20] and constraints on their masses from collider searches still allow them to be as low as 100 GeV

  • The search profits from the large s-channel b-quark annihilation production of the heavy CP-even and CP-odd Higgs bosons (H/A) which can be attained in regions of tan β 1 that avoid the stringent H/A → τ +τ − searches via decays into stau pairs

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The MSSM with large stau mixing

These couplings grow in the same fashion with tan β as the couplings to down-type fermions and, at the same time, increase with Ad. Within the parameter space region of our interest (mH ∈ [800 GeV, 1200 GeV] and tan β ∈ [25, 50]), the fact of having large stau mixing allow us to obtain BR(H → τ1τ1∗) ∼ 0.1 − 0.2, which reduces the constraints imposed by the searches for the heavy neutral MSSM Higgs bosons in the di-tau channel. In these scenarios with large tan β, the dominant H-production mode is by far the b-quark annihilation and the staupair production cross sections, via H decays, are between one and two orders of magnitude. The final state originated from this decay chain consists of a τ -lepton pair and large ETmiss, with low jet activity

Collider analysis
Search strategy for stau-pair production via heavy scalar decay
Background tt
General interpretation within the large stau-mixing MSSM scenario
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