
The research location is located in the village of Pahandut Seberang as a new village developed by Pahandut Village. Pahandut Seberang Village has vacant land in the form of forests and swamps that have not yet been developed as one of the potential development areas. Identification of a new green open space potential area is using figure ground analysis and history of place analysis. The purpose of this study is to identify the potential of the green open space and the development of urban forest tourism. The potential location is expected Pahandut Seberang Village, District of Pahandut, City of Palangka Raya. This location is closed to the Kahayan riverside area as a pilot project to environmental management and sustainability area in the future. The method uses qualitative methods through observation, surveys and interviews. Physical analysis is to identify green open space area in Pahandut Seberang Village using field observations such as: (1) land use development, (2) green open space area, and (3) built up area. Non-physical analysis is using of indepth interview from Pahandut Seberang community as a part of real participation to maintain the green open space and forest area in the future.

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