
The objectives of the study were to analyze the potential of cattle resources and cost-income cattle farming at sites of the Corporate-based 1000 Village of Cattle Program as well as to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges factors while formulating strategies for developing cattle-farmers corporations. This research used a mix-method approach by applying both quantitative and qualitative strategies in collecting and gathering data at two selected villages as sites i.e. Pengengat and Mertak. Data was collected by the survey through face-to-face interviews with 70 respondents who was selected by random sampling, direct observations of the field, focused group discussion, indepth-interview, and review of secondary data of sub-national government both at provincial and district levels. Data were analyzed using multiple approaches including SWOT, calculation of area capacity, and cost-income analysis. The results of the study are as follows: (1) the site area has a maximum capacity (excess livestock) but can be further increased by the introduction of forage technology for animal feed; (2) the income of cattle farmers is relatively low at only IDR. 3,634,301 per year with an average of cattle raising of 1.82 heads; (3) internal factors as weaknesses are the small scale of cattle raising, less intensive in cattle managing, less knowledge of farmers, land use of feed sources have not been optimized, cattle-farmer groups have not optimally-functioned. The identified strengths are the highly motivation of cattle farmers, availability land for feed plantation, and supporting of cattle farmers’ experiences.

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