
The implementation of cleaner production to analyze the production process so as to reduce and utilize the waste generated. The research was conducted on cooperative Latansa bakery Gontor 1 islamic boarding school. Research began the general condition of the industry, the identification of the production process, the identification of problems at cooperative Latansa bakery Gontor 1 islamic boarding school, identification of alternative cleaner production, and feasibility analysis of alternative clean production. Cleaner production alternatives in the form of recommendation and feasibility analysis to management. This study found the lack of SOP workers, hygiene and sanitation, storage of raw materials that are less tidy, spills flour and other ingredients, the bread did not sell, and eggshell directly discarded. Recommendations net production will involve the application of SOP workers, hygiene and sanitation, rearrangement of raw material storage areas, Good Manufacturing Processing, utilization of the remaining unsold bread as feed, and the use of egg shells as organic fertilizer. Bread making in the day as much as 8 batches.

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