
Experiments were performed to examine the potency and duration of action of various ACTH analogs on active and passive avoidance behavior of rats. ACTH 4–10 and the ACTH 4–9 analog (ORG 2766) delayed extinction of pole-jumping avoidance behavior and facilitated passive avoidance responding. [D-Phe 7] ACTH 4–10 facilitated extinction of pole-jumping avoidance behavior and facilitated passive avoidance responding. ORG 2766 was a thousand times more active than ACTH 4–10. The effect of ORG 2766 on extinction of pole-jumping avoidance behavior and on passive avoidance behavior was of longer duration than that of ACTH 4–10. As determined more precisely in the passive avoidance test it appeared that the action of ACTH 4–10 lasted 3 to 6 hours, while that of ORG 2766 amounted to at least 24 hours. Although [D-Phe 7] ACTH 4–10 was a thousand times less active than ORG 2766 in the passive avoidance paradigm, its duration of action was of the same magnitude. In view of this, the marked increase in potency of the ACTH 4–9 analog cannot be explained only on the basis of its metabolic stability but also by an increased intrinsic activity.

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