
doi: 10.12957/geouerj.2017.23167 This study aimed to evaluate the potential of the soil and climate of Paraiba State for agricultural crop of sugar cane. In obtaining the potential maps pedoclimatic the soil potential of information were combined with the climate of aptitude considering three rainfall scenarios: wet years, dry years and regular years. The crossing of the information was performed through geoprocessing techniques using the SPRING software and obtaining maps of soil and climate potential. The result of the interpretations was classified into four pedoclimatic potential classes: Very High, High, Medium, Low and Very Low. Using geoprocessing techniques was possible the spatial areas and defining environments favorable potential of sugar cane culture. Significant differences were observed in the territorial extension of the classes and subclasses of potential soil and climate of the state of Paraiba that showed variations of pedological and climatic order in their territory, influencing the potential soil and climate for the cultivation of sugar cane. The sugar cane cultivation potential is concentrated in the coast state and in the small area in the Brejo region. The potential pedoclimatic Very High was not represented in the mapping due to soil and climatic constraints. The water and pedological requirement for the cultivation of sugar cane restricted planting areas in the state. Could not map smaller areas due to the scale of work, with the possibility of crop cultivation of sugar cane in small areas that were not identified in this work.

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