
Potatoes are an important crop in the Central Asian Republics. They are the second most important crop in Kazakhstan, after wheat, grown on about 160.000 ha. In Kyrgistan more than 65.000 ha are planted, and smaller acreages in the other Central Asian Republics (Table 8.1). Average yields, however, are low ranging from 5 tons/ha in Turkmenistan to 15 tons/ha in Kyrgistan, compared with yields of 40 tons/ha and more in Western Europe, USA and Israel. In Kazakhstan, the largest potato grower in the Central Asian Republics, yields average 10 tons/ha or less. Potatoes in Kazakhstan and Kyrgistan are planted in April-May, depending on the region and weather and harvested in September- October. In Uzbekistan potatoes are planted in early spring (end of February- beginning of March) and in the summer (June- July). In the northern regions and foothills of Uzbekistan potatoes are planted from end of May- till June.

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