
Viroids belong to a very interesting class of molecules attracting researchers in phytopathology and molecular evolution. Here we review recent literature data concerning the genetics of Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) and the mechanisms related to its pathological effect on the host plants. PSTVd can be transmitted vertically through microspores and macrospores, but not with pollen from another infected plant. The 359 nucleotidelong genomic RNA of PSTVd is highly structured and its 3D-conformation is responsible for interaction with host cellular factors to mediate replication, transport between tissues during systemic infection and the severity of pathological symptoms. RNA replication is prone to errors and infected plants contain a population of mutated forms of the PSTVd genome. Interestingly, at 7 DAI, only 25 % of the newly synthesized RNAs were identical to the master copy, but this proportion increased to up to 70 % at 14 DAI and remained the same afterwards. PSTVd infection induces the immune response in host plants. There are PSTVd strains with a severe, a moderate or a mild pathological effect. Interestingly, viroid replication itself does not necessarily induce strong morphological or physiological symptoms. In the case of PSTVd, disease symptoms may occur due to RNA-interference, which decreases the expression levels of some important cellular regulatory factors, such as, for example, potato StTCP23 from the gibberellic acid pathway with a role in tuber morphogenesis or tomato FRIGIDA-like protein 3 with an early flowering phenotype. This association between the small segments of viroid genomic RNAs complementary to the untranslated regions of cellular mRNAs and disease symptoms provides a way for new resistant cultivars to be developed by genetic editing. To conclude, viroids provide a unique model to reveal the fundamental features of living systems, which appeared early in evolution and still remain undiscovered.


  • Viroids are highly structured circular single-stranded RNAs, which are able to replicate in infected organism and cause diseases from symptomless to lethal

  • Viroid genomes encode no proteins and the mechanisms of their replication and interactions with host cells are of great interest for specialists in phytopathology, molecular biology and molecular evolution

  • Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) has been intensively investigated because of the adverse effects it has on potato yield

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Вироид веретеновидности клубней картофеля

Небольшие кольцевые молекулы РНК, которые вызывают патогенез у растений, остаются одним из самых необычных биологических объектов, привлекающих внимание не только фитопатологов, но и специалистов в области молекулярной эволюции. Примечательно, что через 7 дней после инокуляции только 25 % молекул геномной РНК ВВКК соот­ветствовали исходной матрице, использованной для инокуляции, однако эта доля увеличилась до 70 % через 14 дней и далее оставалась на том же уровне. Сама по себе репликация вироида не обязательно приводит к выраженным фенотипическим проявлениям, в случае ВВКК они могут быть связаны с участками гомологии между геномной РНК и мРНК некоторых регуляторных генов, например транскрипционного фактора StTCP23 картофеля, участвующего в регуляторном контуре гиббереллиновой кислоты и в контроле морфогенеза клубня.

Novel viroid sequences
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