
The golden nematode of potato is a quarantine species that is widespread in the Republic of Belarus and a causative agent of potato globoderosis causing yield depression of up to 90%. Chemical plant protection products are the most drastic and fastest method to control the phytohelminth. The efficacy of Verango nematicide, KS was studied on-site in the Quarantine Station of RUE "Institute of Plant Protection" on a natural infection background which had 12.3-18.3 cysts/100 mL of soil. The invasive load of the nematode in soil was determined before potato planting and during harvesting. It was found that the rate of cyst increasing in soil was 0.9–1.2, and 1.3–2.3 without the plant protection product, regardless of the Verango, KS frequency. The biological efficacy of the nematicide varied depending on the year the studies were performed. Thus, it was 29.8–32.7% under unfavorable weather conditions, and 45.1–47.9% under favorable weather conditions for the phytohelminth development. Verango, KS did not adversely affect the growth and development of potatoes and contributed to accumulation and preservation of 0.3–3.6% to 8.8–9.7% potato tuber yield.

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