
The periderm is a corky tissue that replaces the epidermis when the latter is damaged, and is critical for preventing pathogen invasion and water loss. The periderm is formed through the meristematic activity of phellogen cells (cork cambium). The potato skin (phellem cells) composes the outer layers of the tuber periderm and is a model for studying cork development. Early in tuber development and following tuber expansion, the phellogen becomes active and produces the skin. New skin layers are continuously added by division of the phellogen cells until tuber maturation. Some physiological disorders of the potato tuber are related to abnormal development of the skin, including skinning injuries and russeting of smooth-skinned potatoes. Thus, characterizing the potato periderm contributes to modeling cork development in plants and helps to resolve critical agricultural problems. Here, we summarize the data available on potato periderm formation, highlighting tissue characteristics rather than the suberization processes.

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