
Abstract Trials were conducted at the Colorado State Horticulture Research Farm, Ft. Collins, CO. Plantings were made 23 Apr. Individual plots consisted of four 30-inch rows, 27-ft in length, arranged in a RCB design with 4 replications. At planting, furrows remained uncovered to allow in-furrow treatments; these were covered immediately after application. Granular formulations (Temik 15G) were applied as a 5-7-inch band. Liquid treatments (Admire, Agenda) were diluted in water (3 gal/acre) and sprayed over the seed piece. Evaluations of CPB involved counting all adults and larvae in the center two rows of each plot. PFB injury evaluations were done by having 3 to 4 individuals estimate the average number of flea beetle feeding punctures on lower leaves. Green peach aphid and potato/tomato psyllid populations were determined by counting insects on 50 leaves/plot selected from the lower canopy of the plants.

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