
ABSTRACTFruit quality traits are directly related to agronomic practices such as irrigation and fertilization, especially potassium supply since its effects on quality and water drought resistance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different combinations of potassium rate and application mode (in soil: 200S and 100S, foliar spray: 100F) with two irrigation regimes (FI: irrigation with 100%ETc and DI: irrigation with 66%ETc) on peach yield and quality parameters. The experiment was performed during two consecutive years. At harvest, only in the second year significant differences between treatments were observed in yield. In fact, potassium foliar spray, even in DI regime, improved yield. The fruit diameter was slightly affected by treatments in the first year. However, in the following season foliar potassium spray even in DI water regime increased fruit size. Concerning the firmness, no significant differences were observed in the first year except for the second year it decreased with DI strategy independently of potassium treatment. The soluble solids content was strongly affected by the treatments. The highest values were observed in 100F+DI treatment with no significant effect on acidity. Vegetative growth was affected only by water regime which DI reduced shoot length.

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