
PART ONE: SOURCES - THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL Introduction - Peter Beilharz Urban Flights - Martin Jay The Institute of Social Research between Frankfurt and New York Adorno in America - Martin Jay The Frankfurt School in Exile - Martin Jay Critical Theory and Political Economy - Moishe Postone and Barbara Brick Walter Benjamin Today - Richard Wolin Introduction to Habermas on Society and Politics - Steven Seidman Habermas and Critical Theory - Jeffrey Alexander Beyond the Marxian Dilemma? Complexity and Democracy, or The Seducements of Systems Theory - Thomas McCarthy PART TWO: SOURCES - FROM THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL TO FOUCAULT From the Problem of Judgement to the Public Sphere - Seyla Benhabib Rethinking Hannah Arendt's Political Theory Ontology and the Political Project - Dick Howard Cornelius Castoriadis Institutionalization as a Creative Process - Hans Joas The Sociological Importance of Cornelius Castoriadis's Political Philosophy Habitus, Field and Capital - Craig Calhoun The Question of Historical Specificity The Reality of Reduction - The Failed Synthesis of Pierre Bourdieu - Jeffrey Alexander Why We Might All Be Able to Live Together - Jeffrey Alexander An Immanent Critique of Alain Touraine's Pourrons-Nous Vivre Ensemble? Women in Dark Times - Martin Jay Agnes Arendt and Hannah Heller Foucault, Post-Structuralism and the Mode of Information - Mark Poster Conflicting Conceptions of Critique - David Couzens Hoy Foucault versus Habermas PART THREE: AMERICAN INFLEXIONS AND RESPONSES Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism - Daniel Bell The Actor Deprived of His Art - Richard Sennett The Narcissistic Personality of Our Time - Christopher Lasch Nostalgia - Christopher Lasch The Abdication of Memory Afterword - Richard Rorty Pragmatism, Pluralism and Postmodernism An Underestimated Alternative - Hans Joas America and the Limits of 'Critical Theory' Between Science and Politics - Steven Seidman For Gouldner - Martin Jay Reflections on an Outlaw Marxist City Life and Difference - Iris Murdoch Young Culture, Political Economy and Difference - Nancy Fraser On Iris Young's Justice and the Politics of Difference Calhoun's Critical Theory - Peter Beilharz Bourdieu in America - Lo[um]ic Wacquant Notes on the Transatlantic Importation of Social Theory Prophetic Pragmatism - Cornel West Cultural Criticism and Political Engagement The McDonaldization of Sociological Research - George Ritzer PART FOUR: SOCIOLOGY - CRITIQUE AND INNOVATION Modern, Anti, Post and Neo - Jeffrey Alexander How Intellectuals Have Coded, Narrated and Explained the 'New World of Our Time' Rethinking Critical Theory - Craig Calhoun Civic Bodies Multi-Cultural New York - Richard Sennett The Search for Tradition - Andreas Huyssen Avant Garde and Postmodernism in the 1970s The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism - Fredric Jameson The End of the Utopias of Labor - Anson Rabinbach Metaphors of the Machine in the Post-Fordist Era Critical Theory, the Informational Revolution and an Ecological Path to Modernity - Timothy W Luke and Stephen K White Where Are We at Home? - Agnes Heller On Irony - Gil Eyal, Iv[ac]an Sz[ac]el[ac]enyi and Eleanor Townsley An Invitation to Neo-Classical Sociology PART FIVE: POLITICS Introduction - Craig Calhoun Habermas and the Public Sphere Why More Political Theory? - Jean Cohen Civil Society and Social Theory - Jean Cohen and Andrew Arato Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics - Nancy Fraser Redistribution, Recognition and Participation Recognition and Social Justice - Axel Honneth Honneth's New Critical Theory of Recognition - Jeffrey Alexander and Mari Pia Lara The Politics of Recognition - Charles Taylor PART SIX: ENGAGING AMERICA The Resistance That Modernity Constantly Provokes - Peter Wagner Europe, America and Social Theory The Evergreen Tocqueville (On the Occasion of the Hungarian Publication of Democracy in America) - Ferenc Feher Why Return to the American Revolution? - Dick Howard False Premises - Jean Cohen Jean Baudrillard - Robert Hughes America The Signs in the Street - Marshall Berman It All Comes Together in Los Angeles - Edward W Soja PART SEVEN: ENDGAMES/EXITS The Significance of the Frankfurt School Today - Albrecht Wellmer Five Theses (1986) Exit - N[ac]estor Garc[ac]ia Canclini

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