
Area postrema syndrome (APS) develops in patients with lesions found in the floor of the fourth ventricle and manifests with nausea, intractable vomiting, and hiccup. APS is most commonly associated with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders although it may develop in some other conditions as well.
 We have presented a case study of APS with positional vertigo developed in a 41-year-old woman caused by acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after COVID-19 vaccination. Quasi benign paroxysmal positional vertigo acutely manifested with nausea, vomiting, and vertigo that dramatically worsened with head movement. Physical examination revealed patchy hypesthesia on the left side of the face and decreased convergence of the left eye. MRI scan showed a lesion adjacent to the floor of the fourth ventricle (area postrema). The manifestations totally regressed on glucocorticoids without any relapse during 1-year follow-up.

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